Monday, October 12, 2009

Still around......still struggling......but doing ok!

Just wanted to say I am still around! Sorry, I quit writing. I need to get back to it, I realize, but life in the way. No other excuses. Been struggling with dieting which is my life's story....! Been struggling with my #2 son, who has dropped out of college again. What to do? Who knows? WORK is crazy as usual, and fun. Who knew changing up the office configuration (people wise) would make such a positive change. In the 7 years I have worked in my office, it has never been this calm....maybe its because two of the major drama queens left. One had a baby and decided to stay home with her and the other, whom we thought would never ever leave, took a different job. Who knew? All I know is, it left us a person short in my office, however, you can't tell it. What does that say? Well, it says that the person who left, obviously isn't missed because well, she was dead weight anyway!

Going through some stomach issues. Doctors are thinking GERD (acid reflux) and/or hiatal hernia. Who knows. All I know is, why am I not losing weight when I eat half what I was eating two months ago? Even started walking again. No movement in the scale. The food I am eating, terribly bland stuff, low fat, pretty much no sugar except for some sherbet. would think a pound, maybe two down. Nope, not me! Oh well. I really am not discouraged. I don't have time to be!

Though I seem to be going through some "issues" I really don't feel like I am. I am the type to internalize my problems and maybe that's why the stomach issues, but who knows. The things that bother me shouldn't and the thinks I should get bothered about, I don't. I've always been backwards!

Life with the hubby is good, we are both just so tired all the time. He works like a dog and stress seems to take its toll on me. We are taking time to do things together, without the overgrown child still living at home!!!!

Just wanted to update and put down a few thoughts. If you read this, thanks! I appreciate it!


Shhh said...


Debby said...

Woooooohooooooo my friend CJ checked in! I was pumped when google reader showed a post from you!!!

Awesome that the office sitch is going well. I was bummed when you didn't get the transfer you wanted, but it sounds like things are working out so that's awesome!

OK, that sucks that you're eating less and not losing. Stop that right now! hehe You can outstubborn the fat though. Maybe throw a high food day in there to shake things up?

I hope the docs figure out what's wrong with your tum. Get you some good drugs so you feel better. GERD sucks!! Omeprazole is our friend!

Sooooooooooooooooooooo glad you checked in! I've been wondering how you're doing!

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