Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trying so hard

Okay, to say I have been struggling since I started doing WW again is an understatement. But, its my own fault. I listen to the voices in my head when they tell me just to grab something on the way home instead of cook something, etc..... So today being Sunday....I decided I was going to cook some soup for the week that will help me stay OP. Cooking broccoli cheese (2 pt. per cup) and taco soup (1 pt. per cup). They always help when I have a hunger attack and there is nothing else around. Just heat and serve...ya know?

I have lost 8 lbs. total. I am disappointed with that, but I know I shouldn't be. I have been way over stressed at work and not eating like I should. I am still hoping for the lottery so I can shed the work and get rid of the stress..........but since that ain't likely to happen.......I guess I am going to have to do something else to manage that stress......Yes, you all know what the answer is. You have all TOLD me what the answer is..........EXERCISE. Whew, what a dirty word! I always like it when I get started but no matter how long I have done it, it is still a chore. I long to be one of those gym rats who love working out. Whose endorphins take over and you get a high from working out. No, that's never happened to me! Oh well. It is an absolutely chore every time I do anything "scheduled" for exercise. Do I always feel great afterwards? Hell yes! I always feel great when I have started back on WW too, but my fat friend inside my head always screws that up for me! LOL

So, this week, I am planning ahead thanks to this woman! I read her blog as often as I can. She is an amazing inspiration!

Peace out peeps...Gonna go stir the soup!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Update!

Here's a little update! Work is going somewhat better. The chaos that is the beginning of the school year has died down somewhat and we are beginning to get into a routine. I have two new people in the office with me and training them at the beginning of the year hasn't been easy...but it's getting better.

So, in a week and a half, I have lost 7 lbs. I am quite tickled!! LOL It hasn't been a great week food wise. Oh, I stuck to my points, however, I used every last one of them and have pretty much used all my weeklys and I don't weight in until Wednesday morning. But, that's okay. As my wise friend Debby says, if you fail to plan, you plan to I'm planning my lunches for work and that's really helping. I am just finding it difficult to do breakfast! That's my biggest hurdle right now. When I eat breakfast, I am hungry all day long! But, I know its good for me and I know its my metabolism "waking up" so to speak, so I just try to manage it!

Well, just wanted to put up a little update! Thanks for all the amazing support!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Feeling a bit better

So, work is getting better. The week turned out to be successful. We got school off to a great start here. All the kiddos in their little uniforms. They are so cute! Our systems decided to have uniforms this year and believe it or not, I would say about 95% of our students were completely in uniforms. I work at an "at risk" school in a poverty stricken area of town and it was the opinion of most that we would have trouble at our school with parents getting uniforms for their children. Not so. I was quite surprised.

Now, things are better at work. Basically, the FIT I had to throw worked and things are running a bit smoother. I still don't understand the need for the FIT, but when dealing with the totally irrational, it calls for desparate measures.

My friend (at work) and I have decided to start back on weight watchers for awhile. See what happens!! I have been doing pretty well. Tomorrow will be a challenge. My son is home from Uganda (he's been doing anthropology research for two months) and we are celebrating tomorrow. My son wants my chicken and dumplings and cheesecake. Go figure. My sister is bringing baked beans and carrot cake....there will be BBQ and potato chips....and who knows what else.

But, I am going to manage! I am starting to feel better already.....! I took a nap this afternoon and am now awake at 1:30 a.m. But, hey, gives me time to lurk around here, huh?

See ya

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I want to know why!!!

Okay, been a rough week this week. Of course, you know by now that I am talking about work! It's my major stressor at this point in my life. So, the week began with my office assistant transferring to the school I wanted to go to. That did not bother me. It really didn't....She is lazy and well, there is already someone in there doing twice as much as she did. What bothered me is my boss thinks she is just doing it for the money. NO, we all want to go. There was just another position over there that she could do. She didn't get the job I wanted, she doesn't have the experience or skills for that, but she did at least GO! I am happy for her in that respect. I really am. She got away from the irrational woman we work for. So the week started out with the boss telling me that the assistant that has basically been doing this other woman's job, wasn't going to get her job. Which means, I would be training not only a new attendance assistant, but another office assistant. Now, this person I want her to put in this position....has already filled in and knows the procedures. She is already in the outer office, answers questions, answers phones, deals with the children, and knows the inner workings of the schools systems procedures. So, the boss, in her not-so-infinite wisdom, decides she needs this other woman to continue being a reading interventionist and hire someone from the outside to take this person's place. Well, I threw a fit. A big one. I was professional, but I didn't back down. You have to realize, my boss is the type who, when questioned, begins to lie. She then begins to bring others into her lies. She blames things on central office and says they are the ones making those decisions, when in fact they are not. So, I cornered her and tried to make her see how irrational she was being. Well, needless to say it didn't make for a very good week. I DO NOT LIKE CONFRONTATION, and am usually the first one to back down......but in the last two or three years, I haven't been that person. I have had to stand up to her, because she treats people terribly and well, I can't stand it and I just revolted I guess. I am not that good at standing up for myself. No No NO, I don't need help. Well, this time, not only was I standing up for a co-worker, I WAS standing up for myself. Last year was terribly stressful on everybody and having to train two new people when there is someone there already trained was not only more stressful....well it was just plain stupid. Now the boss doesn't like this other woman because she is TERRIBLY HONEST and not a "yes-man" and definitely not an ass kisser. You open up the dictionary and her picture would be there next to the word "Narcissist"!!!! SERIOUSLY!! She wouldn't let me transfer because "what we SHE do?" "How would SHE start the year without me there to do it for her?" "What am I going to do?" These are just a few!

So, I am relaxing this weekend very happy that all the teachers will be back on Monday to keep me from having to scream at the boss again!! Hahaha! I am not that type of person, honestly, but this last year with this woman has put me on anti-anxiety medication. No laughing matter! But if I don't laugh.. I will cry or scream, huh?

I am not willing to have to be like this forever. What I mean is, this shouldn't be that hard. I love my job. I love the people I work with. The only thing that makes it horrible is that thing I work for! I am grateful for my job, I really am!

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