Friday, July 22, 2011


Yep, that's right........jumped back on the band wagon! Started WW online AGAIN this past Monday. I kept my weigh ins for Thursdays though and yesterday, I had lost 4.8 lbs. Woohoo! I know this stuff works, I just have to work "it". I'm really good at starting out.....its the keeping it up that I'm not good at. I am really good at dieting...........when I do it. I am no good with maintenance. When I finally DO get rid of all of this weight, I will have to really work hard on maintenance instead of diet. There's a big difference.

So, going to see my granddaughter tomorrow. Still can't believe I am a grandma. That's an amazing thing being a grandma! That baby just melts my heart. My babies melt my heart still, so what it is that makes a grandchild so GRAND? Is it our age? Maybe. I think with me and the DH its the fact that we were both so young and so broke when we started having kids that we couldn't enjoy them the way we wanted. I must admit, I am blessed that i got to be a stay at home mom with both of my boys. I went to work after my youngest was a year old and so I enjoyed my time at home. HOWEVER....through the years, I worked full time and I worked part time to work around my children's schedules, and I came to find out that I was a better mom when I worked. I got more done and appreciated my time with them more! My hubby is so head over heels in love with this baby and I think it's because he can just be himself with no worries, no responsibilities, just pure love and nothing else. It's so fun to watch!

So, I continued to zumba through the summer even though I spent most of the summer in OK due to my father-in-law's cancer and then death. It was hard to go thru and there was a three week span that I didn't do zumba boy did I feel awful! Plus, the three trips to OK played hell with my ankles. They swell so much when I am riding/driving so that part was miserable. Plus when you are around family and people bringing in food, well I didn't eat right either. That's why I had to do something! So, back on WW. I feel good about it.

Well, the wagon train is calling my name....better jump on it!! haha


Debby said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you!!! I'm so proud of you. I'm on the wagon too. Holy crap, both of us at the same time????? I'm in my 3rd week of on programedness. Go us!!!!

I just bought tickets to go home and see my grandson and my new grandaughter that is to be born next week! Nothing like Grammy lovin for sure.

We rock!

Libby Florence said...

Hey, I thought you might like my website: Obesity Free. I am only just putting it together... it's about how I got thin after struggling with my weight for eleven years... xxx

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