Saturday, November 28, 2009


I have so much to be thankful for. I do love Thanksgiving. I have two beautiful sons. One is married....the other has a steady girlfriend. I love them all. But, I must say, I love having Thanksgiving at my some degree. I know I am selfish. What can I say.

My son had Thanksgiving at his house and his wife (and him as well) did a wonderful job with the Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey was marvelous. I must say though, I like my Thanksgiving traditional dinner items. Her parents brought some things that I just didn't care for....and well, it made things stressful. That and we are just not the same type of people, from very different backgrounds...they are about 15 years older than we are, and have very very very different views on the world and what is in it. So, there wasn't much talking going on. I wouldn't go so far as to say I don't like them.... I don't know them well enough to like or dislike....I do know enough to know we are "different" and it makes for awkward moments.

My oldest son has always been a different soul than his parents. We are down to earth....he so desperately is trying to find out who he is, not having a clue where to look. Things are strained for him and his wife and I can tell. He is still in school..she is working. That causes stress right there. I love my son, but he has become someone I don't know at all. We are down to earth and he isn't any more. IT makes things hard sometimes...but I do it because I love him dearly! I think what hurts the most is he seems more comfortable with his in-laws than he does his own family. I won't say it doesn't does. But, I know that he has to find his own way in the world. Of course, it doesn't help that he lives right next door to them and they are very dominating people. Oh well. We will work through this too.

They did have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at their house which is far more formal than we ever do at ours. My youngest son (21 yrs. old) said, I like Thanksgiving at our house where you are allowed to be yourself and be comfortable. Now, that did make me feel good.! I didn't over eat though, because basically, I didn't like most of what they cooked. I liked the turkey that the daughter in law cooked. That was really good. I liked the sweet potato casserole and the squash casserole.....because I made it. So, at least most of the dinner was good. And I made the pumpkin pie, which, if I do say so myself, was wonderful! But, luckily for me, they kept all the leftovers! No overeating for me!!! That was a good point on this Thanksgiving.

So, hubby, my youngest son and his girlfriend, and myself went to do some shopping. We bought a ladder and put it in the back of the truck. So, when we get to the house, my son goes to get the ladder out of back of the truck, it slips out of his hand.....just a little.......and it hits the back window of my truck and SHATTERS the back window. Of course, glass goes everywhere! AND OF COURSE, no one is open to come and replace it today, we will have to wait until Monday. So, in the middle of this tiny crisis, my oldest son texts me to tell me that his car had been broken into last night by someone ....... they knocked out the driver's side window, stole his GPS, CDs and his good coat. Isn't that ironic? Or whatever it is!!! I guess you just have to don't you?

I guess I could say that made for a bad Thanksgiving weekend....but not really. These things happen. If I let all the little stuff get me down...I would be down all the time, now wouldn't I?

Peace out peeps!

1 comment:

Debby said...

Ya just gotta's better than crying!

I'm going home in a few weeks as my arms are lonely for my grandbabies. I'm going to have to go to my DIL's mother's house to get my hands on those two. Oh to say I don't like her is mild for sure. I just think of evil things to do to her in my mind...I don't do them, just think of them.

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